The Great Mutation
cycle is divided into three sub-cycles of the duration of 60 years: 1842-1901, 1901-1961, 1961-2020, known as the Lesser Mutation Cycle. The 60 year Lesser
Mutation cycle is made up of three Saturn Jupiter conjunctions one in each sign of the earth triplicity: Capricorn,
Taurus and Virgo. The three 60 year cycles begins with the cardinal
phase of the earth triplicity which is the sign of Capricorn for the earth mutation cycle, that is, the years 1842,1901,1961
The following phase is the mutable
earth sign of Virgo 1862-1881, 1921-1941, 1981-2000. Note that the major market corrections occurred in the mutable phases of the mutation 60
year sub-cycles
Following the mutable phase
which begins with the conjunction in Virgo is the fixed earth Taurean phase 1881-1901, 1941-1961, 2000, and 2020.
a 60 year cycle that underpins global
economic activity. The 60year cycle is divided into three sub-cycles of 20 years
periods a tidal influence of a rising 10 year period followed by an ebbing 10 year period. The 60year cycle also has a tidal
pull of a 30year rising and 30year ebbing periods. The markets falter when the 10year and 30year tides turning points happen
together roughly every 60 years. 1870, 1930, 1990. 2040. This is the overlying
framework where the market trends can be forecasted. Notwithstanding, there are day to day glitches in the market as other
planetary cycle enter the picture which influences the market.