begins with the Sun and Jupiter forming a trine, a positive note supported by Mars and Saturn. . On the down side, the Sun
at the same time moves into and adverse angle with Uranus on the 1st. of May so the NASDAC. will be volatile. This
situation may continue with Mars and Pluto forming a adverse angle on the 3rd.
Mercury continues to speed up squaring Uranus on the 3rd not a positive time for tech stocks and with Pluto and Mars debt
may surface as a bone of contention, with the market. So around the 3rd will be quite a volatile day for the markets.
4th sees Mercury ahead of the Sun for the first time since 30th of March, with Venus ahead of the Sun as well this is a positive indicator for the
market. The Sun with Mercury moving into a trine with Neptune on the 6th will assist in a positive outlook for the market
Saturn and Mars form the exact trine to assist in a positive outcome.
7TH ushers in the new moon on the
17th degree of Gemini , the star pattern that is forming is not a
positive one, as the focus continues to build up upon Pluto, with Mercury first on the 8th and the Sun on the 15th
forming an opposition to Pluto.
also supports the negative star formation, forming an adverse angle to Jupiter on the 11th The period from the
new moon onwards for the rest of June does not look promising. Caution should be paramount during this volatile time.
The new moon was positive with
a lift in the market, although it slid from that point to the oppositions,
The 15th starts with
a Sun Pluto opposition, squaring the moon (moons position is Virgo) not a positive indicator, debt will surface in the markets
collective psyche as a negative factor.
The market, especially tech stock
should respond positively to the Uranus Mercury trine on the 16th.
Caution should be taken from
around the 20th as the mutable conjunction of Mercury ,Venus, Saturn begins to form on the 28 degree of Cancer. On the 24th. the Moon will be in opposition to the Saturn Jupiter Conjunction.
At the same time the Sun begins
to move into a negative aspect with Mars and Jupiter. The Sun Mars aspect is of considerable duration lasting into August
before moving out of influence, cumulating on the 14 of July
Uranus goes stationary on the
14th and begins a retrograde motion.
The Sun moves into Leo on the