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Current Jupiter Saturn Cycle
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Planets and Cycles


 There are five major planets whose geometrical configurations appear to affect the business cycle in  Astrocycles Financial Astrology. Although the primary focus is on the Jupiter Saturn cycle, the other outer planets will be discussed as well. The synodic periods are as follows: Saturn (29.46years), Jupiter (11.86 years) being the major influence on the financial market. The Saturn  Jupiter synodical period in relation to one another is 19.86 years. 

Worthy of note are the following patterns:

Uranus-Neptune conjunctions occur approximately two per sign - that is, they creep forwards in the zodiac by just half of a sign each conjunction. Thus, for example, the Uranus-Neptune conjunctions of 1821 and 1993 took place in early and later Capricorn, wile the next in 2165 will take place in early Aquarius. The oppositions of these two planets follow a similar pattern: when opposing Neptune, Uranus will stand in the sign where the conjunction had been, while Neptune will have travelled to the opposite sign - that is, in one cycle, Neptune goes through one cycle of the zodiac while Neptune passes through two.

 Uranus-Pluto conjunctions have an interesting pattern, in that they alternatingly take place 111, then 143 years apart. Uranus' cycle is one third that of Pluto's, though Pluto's eccentric and Uranus' consistent orbit create a regularly-irregular pattern of cycles. During the shorter 111-year cycle, Pluto is moving slowly, while during the longer it is moving quickly (that is, it takes longer for Uranus to catch it up). Additionally, successive conjunctions take place in signs of the same element (for example, in Aquarius, then Gemini, then Aquarius again). These conjunction points creep gradually through the zodiac, leading to longer periods where conjunction-patterns shift element. Currently they are in the earth element.

 Neptune-Pluto cycles are also synchonised, a
Neptune cycle being about two-thirds of a Pluto cycle (and about twice the length of a Uranus cycle - that these cycles, and those of the inner planets too, have an organic cyclic relationship is one of the beauties of our solar system). Successive Neptune-Pluto conjunctions take place in the same sign, with a small creep of a few degrees each cycle, over the millennia. The conjunctions last changed sign in the 1380s, when they moved from Taurus to Gemini. Oppositions occur when Pluto is in roughly the same position as it was at the conjunction, while Neptune is opposite. In one cycle of aspects between them, Neptune goes three times around the zodiac, and Pluto twice. Pluto's eccentricity also creates protracted periods where there is either a waxing sextile or a waning trine aspect which can last for many decades.

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto


The three outermost planets have cycles of relationship which each have their own context, flavour and implications for the world:
Pluto (250 years), Neptune (165 years), Uranus (84.02 years).

Neptune-Pluto cycles (495ish years) seem to provide an underlying driving force behind history, bringing together the change-inducing ram-force of Pluto with the imaginal, belief-oriented influence of
Neptune. This affects not only the rolling of events and trends but also the way the humans perceive their reality and position in history - and the combination of these two major factors has a large conditioning power on the reality-changes humanity creates and evolves through - by both conscious and unconscious process. This affects humanity's unconscious sense of historic purpose, as it shows itself at different times - as always, a combination of manifest reality and ways of seeing things. These cycles delineate history into approximately 500-year cycles, which can be regarded as basic chapters of human culture and civilisation, in which different themes and progressions are explored in different historical contexts.

Uranus-Neptune cycles (170ish years) represent a contextual-shifting force, in which the underlying attitudinal feeling and perspective with which people experience their lives shifts surreptitiously and, at times, in sudden jumps or slides. This cycle affects the illusions and truths of any time and generation - and thus how they impact on history through their beliefs and the externalisation of the deeper human psyche in public and cultural affairs. The way people understand themselves and reality (Neptune), and the jiggling, sparking, shaking influence of Uranus combine here to lead people on an adventure - or if we so choose, a nightmare - of consciousness, culture, creativity and vision-led initiative.

Uranus-Pluto cycles (111ish or 142ish years, alternating) act in an action-stimulating, pushing-and-pulling way, which causes course-swings, spontaneous innovations and mutations to occur as the centuries roll on. Uranus introduces new elements into the unfolding equation, and Pluto rolls them out - or, alternatively, the relentless power of change bears down on humanity to shift its direction and the bundles of issues it works through. Critical aspects in this cycle can bring breakthroughs, outbursts and tidal-waves of change. Phases of resistance to change, or of going against what is most deeply called for, is also seen in this cycle.

Uranus-Neptune-Pluto meta-cycles (lasting approximately 3,940 years) represent an overlying patterning of collective human experience on a very longterm basis. The last mutual conjunction of these three planets was in 578-575 BCE - in a very close succession of just a few years. Around this time the world reached a crucial junction point - some of history's greatest teachers were alive around then.

Other Interplanetary Cycles

Chiron-Pluto (56-70 years): power-conflicts, background forces influencing history, revelations of cover-ups or collapse of collective untruths, leadership changes, exceptionally compromising crises and conflicts of interest, knotty and wrought situations, blood on hands, eruptions of truth, tough and nightmarish situations as a potential point of major resolution.

Chiron-Neptune (57-80 years): at times enlightenment, relief and vision, at other times collective commission, befuddlement or unclarity. Wisdom teachers, shifts in values, emergent perennial truths, inspiring situations, r alternatively, outbreaks of chaos and uncertainty, reshuffling, reality-inversions, deflation, disempowerment. Times of thaws, healing and reconciliation after polarisation and deadlock.

Chiron-Uranus (103-145 years): outbreaks of genius and inspired initiative, miraculous or unforeseen solutions or turns of events. Shock events or acute, knife-edge situations, piercing insights; radical innovations, reversals or bombshells, usually leading out of times in which situations have become locked up and immovable.

Saturn-Pluto (31-38 years): hard, cold truths emerging, eruption of social poisons, wringing out of fundamentals. Final-analysis situations, crunches or unavoidable failures. Showdowns, seizures, stalling, clashes, war, wrenches. Hard-heartedness and misunderstanding - yet leading to bottom-line truths which are necessary.

Saturn-Neptune (35-37 years): leakages, breakdowns, betrayals, wool pulled away from the public's eyes, clearing of the way. Clean slate, unclarities, derailment, slippage. Can also accentuate ideals as pragmatic solutions. Erosion of knowns, normalities and boundaries, forgetting of traditions.

Saturn-Uranus (44-46 years): cutting away from the past, the big divide. Acutely pointed situations, or thresholds crossed. Future-shock, rules changing or broken, changing tracks, new ballgames. Requires rising to the situation and appropriate responses - otherwise heads roll.

Saturn-Chiron (64-165 years): spanners in the works, immediate problems necessitating fundamental, longterm commitments, checkmate, getting to grips, facing paradoxes, overcoming deadlocks. Can be victims of circumstance who embody the lesson for humanity. The catalysing of future change.

Jupiter-Pluto (12-14 years): forward rushes and steps taken, over the top, thrust, overcoming resistance or inertia, rampant progress, breakout, invasion, overwhelm, breaching taboos.

Jupiter-Neptune (12-13 years): leaps of faith, pilgrimage and quest, pursuance of beliefs. Idealistic phases, times of forgiveness, healing and release. Religiosity, paranormal occurrences, high-mindedness.  Confusion leading to changes of awareness.

Jupiter-Uranus (13-14 years): taking risky chances, changes of strategy, forward leaps. Mutation, emigration, innovation, youthful expression or agitation. Activation, kick-starts, acceleration, breaking rules.

Jupiter-Chiron (13-20 years): acts of service or sacrifice, resolution and reconciliation, taking counsel, facilitation of change, maverick personalities, miracles, bridging gulfs, aid, medicine.



The newly-discovered planetoid Chiron (51 years)  The inner planets have periodicities less than a year, Mercury orbits the Sun in 88days and Venus 225 days. Mars being on the outside of the earths orbit takes 687 days to orbit the sun.



The  relationship of Astrology to the financial cycles is not new. The use of planetary cycles for forecasting commodities and stock prices  has a long history. In 1543 Christopher Kurz  a Belgium   devised an astronomical system for predicting the course of the money market, with some success. The idea that business fluctuation occurred at uniformed intervals was quite prevalent during the 19th

 century.  In 1860 Clement Juglar  was the founder of the Juglar Cycle a 8 -10 year cycle. The Jugler Cycle corresponds to the Jupiter Saturn cycles squares and oppositions any of these recurrences could be related to a period of 7-9years due to retrograde motion..  Saturn is always apparent during major market fluctuations. This does not necessarly mean that Saturn will show the peaks and troughs. Major movements are a result of converging factors.

Statistical forecasts charts are predicted on theories that business cycles will repeat themself, either as to fluctuations in the general trend  of business, or as correlations in the fluctuations of certain time sequences. All forecasters have used assumptions of historical repetition of cyclical movements, as well as assumptions of fixed sequences of time series, to aid them in forecasting. It is evident that the great weakness  of the empirical method of forecasting is the fact that business history does not repeat itself with sufficient regularity and similarity to make this method of forecasting reasonably dependable.